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Generando Vida - Generating Life

Updated: Sep 28, 2019

My mom asked me when the next blog was coming and if it was going to be about my new job here! I tried to explain to her that I don't really know what's happening all the time but she simply told me to start the post with that sentence. So here it is. You're welcome mom.

I don't always know what's happening. Just want to put out a full disclaimer that I am not 100% sure exactly what is all going on within the projects here. Here's my knowledge anyways!

I have worked at Generando Vida for two weeks now. Generando Vida is an organization that has many different projects.

One of the projects is a bank which invests money to women wanting to start their own small businesses. The bank itself is always full of people, even with a line going outside at times. Around 310 women have participated in this. It is very important for the community and helps out a lot of families financially!

Another important project is the dining hall. Free food is served for kids who aren't necessarily well off. The dining hall is a safe space, builds community and draws people to Generando Vida.

Generando Vida has a pharmacy which provides medication and general health products at reasonable prices. General health is often neglected here because it can be expensive. This program has made it more accessible and realistic for the neighborhood. Another service provided is visual care and having access to glasses.

Proyecto Flores de Vida is a program to encourage, support and counsel women who have survived cancer, as well as educate women on how to prevent certain diseases. As mentioned before, health is often neglected here, so women who have health issues can also be neglected easily. This program is a safe place to talk, encourage one another, and learn about health!

A smaller, yet really good program is called Moving School. Three days a week, a big rectangular box on wheels is rolled down the street 6, 8 or 10 blocks away. Once parked, the box is extended into a mini school! Kids come from the neighborhood and partake in the fun activities from the rectangle box. This whole idea builds a lot of community and relationships among kids.

Lastly, there is the library. The library is a great resource for tons of kids who need to do homework, or just to read and have a good time! There are around 700 books which are used fairly often. We have textbooks for the classes that these kids are taking so their parents don't have to buy the books every year. Most kids don't have their own textbooks at home so they come to the library to do their homework. As a librarian (I never thought I'd say those words), I grab books for the kids, help them with their homework (when I can understand them), do some computer work, or read to the younger ones who can't read! Every Friday is games day so lots of kids come in to play board games and hang out with their friends.

These are majority of the projects, but there are always little side projects going on! The organization is bubbling with lots of things going on which is really exciting! The organization itself is Christian based and all its practices reflect their beliefs. Every Monday there is a half hour devotional before the start of the day. On Thursdays is another hour long devotional! These devotionals are relaxed and always end in hugs and blessings which creates a really warm atmosphere at work.

I always told myself that I wouldn't make long blog posts but here I am, doing just that. Thanks for bearing with me! Work can honestly be a bit discouraging at times because I often feel useless because I don't do a lot right now. I know with time I will adjust to the language and general relaxed culture but it can still be frustrating. I am excited for the way I can contribute here but first I have to be patient. And that's okay too (:

My fellow librarian took this photo of me, and hyped me up while doing it. *note my big grin

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