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Happiness - The Luxury

The definition of clutter is a collection of things lying about in an untidy mass.

Here is my recent clutter of thoughts.

'Choose Happiness', 'Do What Makes You Happy', 'Just Sm:)e', etc. are some quotes that I'm sure some of us have worn on our t-shirts growing up. Or maybe I was the only one who went through that awkward stage in middle school. On TV, through social media, at school, through friends, basically EVERYWHERE this picture of happiness is promoted so strongly. It becomes an expectation. Happiness is thought to be a necessity to life, something to be in constant pursuit of. What if happiness is merely an accessory like earrings are to a face? What happens when our minds are so set on our ideas of happiness that we miss out on the deep riches of joy?

Happiness is temporary, easily imaginable, and of this world. As humans, we can easily wrap our minds around our own ideas of happiness and can easily pursue that. We can understand what we want. What makes you happy? For me, I would be content to be at the beach, drinking fruity drinks, reading a book, having the perfectly toned body, being well liked by everyone, having a successful career, drinking too much coffee, wearing my birkenstocks, being tan, having lots of friends, and so many more things. Take note of the word content. Being happy is easy, even if it's just for a couple of seconds. Life can feel comfortable and secure. But is being content really all there is?

What about joy? Joy is permanent, unexpected and a gift from God. We cannot understand why everything happens in this life, so it can be confusing. While happiness is explained and understandable, joy seems unusual and almost bizarre. It's so strange in this world because it's not actually from this world. So strange here that it makes sense that it's from God.

Happiness feels good, but you can't always have it when life gets hard or feels bad. And while we may want life to be good (and for us to be happy), we could totally ignore the deep riches that God has for us in every single moment, no matter the circumstances. Maybe the best things in life are found in the worst of circumstances. Maybe the best thing in life for us to do is to breath, sit back, let go, and fix our eyes on Jesus for the ride.

Happiness? Dependent on circumstances, on the world. Joy? Dependent on God. On the One who has never let us down, who is Constant, who knows our every thought and feeling.

The Holy Spirit and joy go hand in hand. It's right there for His children to take hold of. Jesus actually wants us to take it. We are not meant to live without it. He craves for us to be able to feel His joy. To feel Him. Having joy is being awakened to the Truth. We are a part of this beautiful, extravagant, WILD, epic, incredible, indescribable, unimaginable and good (SO good) thing called life.

Fear? Gone when we have joy. Shame? Gone when we have joy. Doubt? Gone when we have joy. While happiness is also a gift from God, joy diminishes the darkness and opens up a doorway to heaven, right here on earth. Why would we not take it fully? How could we not? This life is so much more once we realize who God is, and what that means for us. We are free. We are so worthy. We have a home and no, this is not it. Yet, we can rest right here, in Him, in these circumstances.

I get so PUMPED just thinking about this.

I have been the most scared, the most frustrated, the most homesick, the most messy this past while than I have ever been. BUT. It doesn't end there. My tears of sorrow have turned to tears of thankfulness. I am so far from fully understanding the complexity of God but this small taste of understanding, with joy, is the sweetest and loveliest thing I have ever tasted. My Savior is good. Our Savior is good. He cries with you. He aches for you. He laughs with you. He embraces you. He comforts you. He's crazy about you. He's crazy about US. He loves us so much. And this is His promise. Forever. This is my joy. Happiness may be a luxury but joy is a permanent extravagance.

When anxiety was great within me, your consolation brought me joy.

Psalm 94:19

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