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Christmas and Feelings and Resolutions

Updated: Feb 1, 2020

And just like that it's been almost 3 months of forgetting about this blog. Whoops. If you are reading this, thank you for your patience and for still sticking with me through this journey!

Christmas in Nicaragua will be something I will always remember. To be completely honest, it was a difficult season. Being away from family, Christmas being not as big of a deal, continuously learning the language and also living with a new host family easily leads to feelings of missing out, homesickness and mental exhaustion.

Still, it would be wrong of me to leave it at that. The season was also filled with good company, hammocks, swimming, facetime calls, waffles, beautiful views, lots of coffee, dancing, new family and late night card games. There are moments where I look around and genuinely feel at peace and joyful. I am learning that these moments are important and are to really be cherished.

Even more, the moments of sadness and tears are also important. Leaning into all the emotions and feelings has been something on my mind a lot.

Luke 2:19 "But Mary treasured up all these things, pondering them in her heart."

I have never thought too much about this verse until this year. It has to be important if it's included in the birth story of Jesus! We often view the Christmas story as perfect and almost romanticize it in our minds. Putting our shoes in those of Mary, would we feel the same? After 4-7 days sitting on a donkey? Pregnant? And then finally you've arrived, after a long journey. Probably pretty dirty and smelly and exhausted. But, there isn't even an inn for you to stay at! So now, here you are, sitting in the stench of barn animals and on a bed of straw. Then the contractions start and- well, we all know the end to that (let's be real, do I really though?). This is NOT saying that Jesus' birth is not a miracle and an amazing gift to us. Mary saw this beauty yes, but she also realized the hardships along the way. This verse doesn't say she only treasured up the good, she treasured up all things. Something for me to think about during the good and the hard during my SALT year here.

Maybe you're over the Christmas story and just ready to focus on your resolutions for 2020 (happy new year!). Still, I consider this my resolution. To dwell in my experiences, digging into the emotions that bubble up instead of pushing them back down. To take time to look around and appreciate where I'm at, and where I've come from. Saying out loud how I feel and validating these emotions. Making sure I take deep breaths when I feel overwhelmed and to look up when I'm discouraged. Always remembering and honouring my feelings in the midst of the beautiful chaos of life.

Never forgetting who my Creator, Father and Friend is.

"And whatever you do, in word or deed, do everything in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God the Father through him." Colossians 3:17

Here are some photos from the last month(ish).

1) I stayed with Jenna and her host family for 2 weeks! Here she is drinking a cocoa, corn based drink called Pinolillo.

2) A typical Nicaraguan sweet cheese bread; Pico. Served best with coffee (of course)!

3) Christy, me, and Jenna at our team retreat in the Laguna de Apoyo, a volcano crater!

4,5,6) Spent time with Clara (my childhood best friend) and her family in Granada! So nice seeing family away from home.

7,8) Hanging out with Christy as much as we can before she left for Haiti! Already miss my personal photographer (;

9) My host brother and sister! I will be staying with them for the rest of my time here. They are really great!

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